Browse Azospirillum brasilense Sp245

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 233,383 to 237,383 on scaffold NC_016595.1:

500 ntAZOBR_RS27140 and are separated by 819 nucleotides and overlap by 961 nucleotides and AZOBR_RS27150 are separated by 300 nucleotides AZOBR_RS27140: AZOBR_RS27140 - membrane protein, at 233,077 to 233,748 _RS27140 frame -2, at 234,568 to 236,502 frame -2 region with similarity, at 235,542 to 236,199 region with similarity AZOBR_RS27150: AZOBR_RS27150 - membrane protein, at 236,500 to 237,801 _RS27150

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