Browse Azospirillum brasilense Sp245

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 2,776,983 to 2,780,983 on scaffold NC_016617.1:

500 ntAZOBR_RS13160 and are separated by 401 nucleotides and overlap by 1083 nucleotides and AZOBR_RS13170 are separated by 358 nucleotidesAZOBR_RS13170 and AZOBR_RS13175 are separated by 283 nucleotides AZOBR_RS13160: AZOBR_RS13160 - histidine kinase, at 2,776,364 to 2,778,106 _RS13160 frame +1, at 2,778,508 to 2,779,644 frame +1 region with similarity, at 2,778,562 to 2,779,459 region with similarity AZOBR_RS13170: AZOBR_RS13170 - FmdB family transcriptional regulator, at 2,779,818 to 2,780,060 _RS13170 AZOBR_RS13175: AZOBR_RS13175 - 1 2-oxophytodienoate reductase, at 2,780,344 to 2,781,444 _RS13175

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