Browse Pseudomonas fluorescens FW300-N2C3

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 5,962,523 to 5,966,523 on scaffold CP012831:

500 ntAO356_26320 and AO356_26325 are separated by 27 nucleotidesAO356_26325 and AO356_26330 are separated by 1 nucleotidesAO356_26330 and overlap by 53 nucleotides and overlap by 1569 nucleotides and AO356_26335 overlap by 1030 nucleotidesAO356_26335 and AO356_26340 are separated by 300 nucleotides AO356_26320: AO356_26320 - protein CapI, at 5,961,964 to 5,962,935 _26320 AO356_26325: AO356_26325 - dolichol-phosphate mannosyltransferase, at 5,962,963 to 5,963,706 _26325 AO356_26330: AO356_26330 - Lipid A biosynthesis, N-terminal, at 5,963,708 to 5,964,001 _26330 frame +3, at 5,963,949 to 5,965,520 frame +3 region with similarity, at 5,963,952 to 5,965,098 region with similarity AO356_26335: AO356_26335 - dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase, at 5,964,069 to 5,965,526 _26335 AO356_26340: AO356_26340 - AMP-binding protein, at 5,965,827 to 5,967,491 _26340

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